EMZ is a non-profit, fitness organization dedicated to inspiring members of the community to unite in becoming healthy, fit, and active by providing and promoting free and low-cost fitness classes and health education opportunities.

EMZ Instructors:

Beti Tua'efe, Betsy Vakapuna, Billie Sosi, Dana Rossi, Lila Latu, Liu Vakapuna, Maki Yamagata, Meliame Vaikeli, Satomi Biggs, Sela Langi, Sela Misinale, Sinai Pauni, Sisilia Misinale, Twig Larkin

Donations kindly accepted :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Penina Matagi Roberts

Our class is no ordinary Zumba class.  A few things that sets us apart from other classes -- the time slot & the number of attendees so early in morning.  For many, it's what works...granted, it's super early.  Even though it's super early, on average we get about 50-60 attendees a day...on a super good day 200 - happened only once.  We are truly grateful for all who attend, because without a class, we wouldn't have anyone to teach.
We will be doin a few spotlights here and there on our class members.  This will give them a chance to share their success stories, tips & a little bit about themselves with the rest of us.  It also will put a name to the familiar face each morning. 
Our spotlight for today:

Penina Matagi Roberts
I met Penina years ago & the crazy thing is, I ended up being neighbors with her brother.  If you ever get a chance to chat with this girl/lady, she is so funny!  I asked Penina to share in her own words any tips she may have and here's what she had to say:
Exercise...eat in MODERATION....ANY exercise is good, be it walking, jogging, crawling or Zumba!!  I started off doing 5-8 classes a week of Zumba and now that I have shed some poundage and can breathe it makes it easier to switch up the workouts by playing volleybal or basketball or doing home workouts one of my favs is Jillian's 30 day shred or punching it out on a punching bag. Eating in moderation and having portion control.  I am a junk food junkie and I LOVE sweets and candy so this is super hard for me...so I basically still eat what I want I just eat a WHOLE lot less...and I try to substitute veggies and fruits for snacks instead of snickers and Reese's..Lol..all in all I have to remember to never never never never never ever quit!  And not to get frustrated with progress, cause slow progress is better tha no progress and to trust the process.
A bit curious on how much she lost, I was nervy enough to ask...and leave it to her to respond like this:

I was a large marge of 220 and now weigh 180 and have gone down 4 pant sizes...
Wow!!!  Congrats Penina!!!  So dang proud of ya!  I asked her how did she hear about our class and when did she start attending?  Her good friend Catherine Yee-Wall told her about EMZ.  Thank you Catherine!!!

I finally gave in (and I am not a morning person, so this is big for me to be up going @530am, especially to workout!! Lol) and went with her and was hooked from day one...I started attending EMZ on a regular basis mid March of this year...I remember cause my first EMZ partay experience was the St. Patrick party...

Thank you Penina for sharing your story with us!!! Love ya girl!!!

Stay tuned as we will be sharing more from our class.  And if you are a class member and would like to share your story & pictures with us, please email us at:  theemzcrew@gmail.com

Monday, November 26, 2012


Thanksgiving has come and gone...or has it?  Although it's celebrated once a year...make it a goal to celebrate it daily!

Just a reminder:

Our service project (see post below) is just days away.  If you signed up to help with the items for our dinner, please bring it by tomorrow.

We truly appreciate the donations (food & money) & I'm sure the individuals who will benefit from this will too.

Leaving you with a video from Thanksgiving morning.  Great turnout & we had fun with the 3 'indians' on stage.  Love it!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

EMZ Service Project - Road Home

For the month of November instead of having a "Thanksgiving party" we have decided to do a service project.  This project consists of gathering items for a dinner prepared & served by our group at the Road Home.
November 28th at 6 pm
The menu for our dinner:
taco soup served with garnishments (tortilla chips, sour cream & shredded cheese)
dinner roll with butter
green salad with ranch dressing
bottled water
In addition, we will need paper plates, bowls, napkins and eating utensils.
Please use sign-up sheet if you are interested in donating -- usually on the stage OR see any one of the instructors for more sign-up/information.
Limited number of volunteers needed to serve.
*If you sign up for a non-perishable item or hamburger meat, we are more than happy to take the item prior to November 27th.  Perishable items we'll gather on November 27th.*
We are excited for this project and grateful for your help!
EMZ Instructors

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Utah Pacific Island Health Week

The Governor of Utah has declared next week, November 11 - 17, 2012 - Utah Pacific Island Health Week.  I'm so excited to have the EMZ Crew participate in this event and hope that everyone takes advantage of the programs/activities offered FREE of charge.

Next Monday, November 12th and THIS DAY ONLY, class will be held at the Sorenson Center (855 W. California Avenue - 1300 S.) at 5:30 am in the gym.  Big Budah of Fox13 will be there, so don't be surprised when you see the camera.  He will be doing a few interviews, filming our class & joining us too ;)  Come ready to show him, along with the rest of the state how we do it at EMZ!

Also, ALL DAY at the Sorenson Center, classes and admission will be FREE.  Please take advantage of this and check out the facility.  YES, this is for everyone, not just pacific islanders.

Join us later that evening from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm for information booths, demo's & food for the whole family.  Hope you can make time to join us!!!

For more info, click on this LINK for the website.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What's coming up this month???

It's officially November - month of Thanksgiving.  


“Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.” 

~Christiane Northrup


Here's what we have coming up this month:

November 12th:  Kick-off for the Polynesian Health Awareness Week and EMZ is participating!  Class will be relocated for this morning only!  A few things we can share - Fox13, Big Budah, EMZ Crew...enough said.  More details to come!

November 22nd:  Thanksgiving morning & we will be having class.  Come pre-pay your calories for the day!

November 23rd:  Black Friday, day after Thanksgiving - NO CLASS!

November 28th:  Road Home Service Project.  No party/food at EMZ this month, saving that for Christmas.  However, we would like to give back and do something slightly different this year.  We have signed up to cook & serve dinner for the Road Home.  Maki & Twig are in charge of this project.  Meal plan will be posted along with sign up sheet.  We will need donations for the dinner to be served.  In addition, we will need volunteers to help serve that evening.  We're excited for this project and hope you are too!